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Training tips

Preparations for L'Etape Slovenia - 2nd set of training sessions

Continuing the mission for three different cycling groups for the period JUL 18-31, 2022

The first part of the program is behind us, we believe that you have passed it successfully and followed the outlined path with joy. It is now necessary to continue with the mission. It is followed by an additional week where the effort will increase and then the program is followed by a rest period.


Cycling training is often followed by a sequence

Cycling training is often followed by a sequence where the intensity increases for about 2-3 weeks and is then followed by a week of rest. It is a time when you spent less hours on a bicycle and as a rule, the intensity of the training is also lower.

Why is rest so important? It appears that everyone can say the body is rested after all efforts, which is of course correct. Rest also helps that all the accumulated workouts really connect with our system and muscles. Many cyclists do not reach the desired goal they set, not because of too little training, but due to not enough rest.

The main building block of the athlete-cyclist is training and the correct and holistic performance of it. And with this rest is a complementary building block of training. Amateur and recreational cyclists, unlike professional cyclists, have a regular job and other duties, such as family responsibilities, which further affect the regeneration process itself. Not to mention the age of the individual, which should not be neglected, as the regeneration process is slowed down over the years.

A faster lifestyle takes away the possibilities of quality regeneration and rest. This should be taken into account when planning and performing training so that we may not cause harm or hurt oneself. We also need to get sufficient quality meals and proper hydration, which is even more important in the summer.

This time, too, we do all training with a heart rate monitor or a power meter that is becoming an increasingly popular cycling tool. Anyone who does not have a power meter, or a heart rate monitor we advise to split the training intensity into a scale of 1 to 10. Where:

  • 1 to 3 stands for easy riding,
  • 3 to 6 faster driving on an even terrain,
  • 7 to 8 intense riding, mostly uphill, and
  • 9 to 10 is maximum intensity where we cycle on the edge of our capacity. Do not perform this if not well warmed up in order not to risk muscle fiber damage.

So, do not hesitate, equipped with a training plan and tips, get quickly on a bike! Towards new goals and towards L'Etape Slovenia by Tour de France.