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The tracks have been updated. The final map of Closed Roads is available.

UPDATE 30 Aug. 2024: Considering the ongoing infrastructure works on Kiseleff Road (by RDC General Contractor / Apa Nova), which have resulted in restricting road traffic to two lanes, and the organization of a mass-participation event in the same period in the area of the Antipa Museum – the Museum of the Romanian Peasant, we have decided, together with local authorities, after analyzing the specific conditions and limitations imposed by the route, that it is impossible to ensure proper security for the route segment including Kiseleff Road, between Arcul de Triumf Square and Victoriei Square, both for cyclists and the accompanying convoy, as well as for pedestrians who wish to access this area.

In this regard, we inform you that, together with our partners involved in the event's implementation, we have decided to remove the route segment including Kiseleff Road, between Arcul de Triumf Square and Victoriei Square.

This update influences only the 42 km and 85 km routes, the new distances being shorter with aprox. 3 km and 6 km respectively. 


Road traffic will be diverted from 7 o’clock! We estimate that the restrictions will be valid no later than 2 pm!

Recommended alternative routes:

  • Mihail Kogălniceanu Boulevard – University Square – Nicolae Bălcescu Boulevard – Gh. Magheru Boulevard;
  • Națiunile Unite Boulevard - Izvor Street - Tudor Vladimirescu Boulevard - George Coșbuc Boulevard - Regina Maria Boulevard;
  • Pache Protopopescu Boulevard - Str. Mihai Vodă - Mihai Bravu Road - Piața Muncii Passage;
  • Mărășești Boulevard - Dimitrie Cantemir Boulevard - Octavian Goga Boulevard - Dudești Street - Mihai Bravu Street - Hurmuzachi Square.

 Crossing areas with traffic restrictions can be done through five points, as follows:

  • Piața Victoriei Passage – for the northern area;
  • Mărășești Passage – for the central area;
  • Piața Muncii Passage – for the eastern area;
  • Passage Mihai Bravu – for the southern area;
  • Passage N. Grigorescu – for the south-eastern area.