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Training preparation for L'Etape Slovenia

Coaches Blaž Debevc and Miha Koncilija will take care of the preparations for the event.


Preparations for L'Etape Slovenia are already in full swing. If you have not started or want to train more controlled, we have a training program that will prepare you periodically for your highlight of the season. However, since we know that there are many riders of various preparation levels or competitive ambition, we have a special program for you in three different groups, where the training program is adapted for each individual group.

Blaž Debevc and Miha Koncilija will take care of the preparations

Coaches Blaž Debevc and Miha Koncilija will take care of the preparations for the event. Mr. Koncilija was the first coach of Tadej Pogačar and is currently also the leader of his team Pogi Team UAE Generali and one of the greatest experts in cycling training and preparations in Slovenia.

Are you ready to go? Let's start! 

  • GROUP 1: Cycling beginners. This group will include cyclists who bike up to 3x a week and ride the bike to enjoy. Those of you who do not have competitive ambitions but want to conquer the race with your personal best time, and especially without difficulties due to lack of fitness.
  • GROUP 2: devoted recreational cyclists. This group includes cyclists who ride the bike more than 3x a week, and for the weekend do a slightly longer route with a twist of serious climbs. They have a desire for good results in the race. 
  • GROUP 3: racers. Those cyclists who ride the bike 5x a week or more, regularly do longer climbs and participate in races on a weekly basis. Those who want to fulfil individual competitive ambitions in the race and want to devote more time to the preparation for the race.

Two training methods

The training program for the second and third group will be implemented through the intensity zones (heart rate/strength). Before starting training, we advise you to take a test to determine the maximum heart rate. Calculation with the following equation is also possible:

  • WOMEN: 209-(0.9 x years)
  • MEN: 214–(0.8 x years).

Those of you who train with a power meter, take a 20-minute maximum test to determine the functional power threshold (FPT). Based on the numbers obtained, you will further adapt your training to your abilities, which makes the training program more efficient.

Calculating the intensity zones

After the test, it is necessary to calculate the intensity zones in which you will train. The latter will be the easiest to determine via THE CALCULATION LINK

All you need to do is enter your result on the test (heart rate or strength), and then the program calculates the necessary training intensity for your training.

Follow links to access individual training sessions


Follow the training programs of top experts and be ready for the legendary experience of L'Etape Slovenia!